Corporate West Palm Beach, FL
561 741 1818 Office Telephone
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Development & Real Estate Advisory Services / WE COLLABORATE


At what stage of development should you hire JACOB?

Engaging JACOB early in the process will provide better cost and project velocity. This allows for a better understanding the owners objectives in the process, allows for better team building, and clearly positions JACOB as the quarterback of the team. Image


Are you a looking to expand your real estate footprint, looking for that perfect site? Or perhaps your plan entail repurposing an existing piece of property. Owners looking to execute projects reach out to us for guidance and direction. Let JACOB help you wrap real estate strategy around your business objectives. We specialize in working with owners, retailers, and investors in mapping their strategy and developing business cases around it. We have been selected as a preferred local developer to support expansion plans for national companies. Let us bring the capital and development skillset to do the same for your organization.


  • Superior communication skills; honesty, responsiveness, experience.

  • Accountability

  • Firm, fair, demanding, detailed

  • Team building qualities

  • Experience in dealing with architects, engineers, financing and all types of construction related skills/trades

  • Expertise in our wheelhouse of building projects (Hotel, Hospitality, Retail, Hi-Rise, Commercial, Stadiums & Venues, Retail-Mixed-use Development, Healthcare, Civic)